Prior to the establishment of the Associate Research Fellowship the OSCE Academy in Bishkek hosted scholars conducting academic and policy-relevant research on themes related to comprehensive security in Central Asia as Visiting Researchers.
Three researchers were hosted between 2015-2016:
Begench Yazlyyev, PhD Student, University of Ottawa
Research project: "Analysis of development aid management in Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan: understanding donor-recipient relations in comparative perspective"
Duration of fellowship: July-August, 2016
Selbi Hanova, PhD Student, University of St. Andrews
Research project: "Understanding Central Asian cooperation: narratives on state identities"
Duration of fellowship: January-June, 2015
Gavin Slade, Postdoctoral Researcher, Free University of Berlin
Research project: "The prison reform as part of anti-organized crime policy"
Duration of fellowship: March-April, 2015