In support of alumni professional integration in public service, starting from 2010 the Academy runs a Junior Public Officers' (JPO) Programme. JPO Programme provides an opportunity to the OSCE Academy’s graduates from Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to intern at the Ministries and State Agencies of the country of their respective citizenship. The internship period last for three months.
This JPO Programme is being implemented in accordance with the Agreements signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of 10 September 2010 (prolonged on 01 June 2022), the State Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic for the Promotion and Protection of Investments as of 16 June 2017 (prolonged on 24 November 2022), the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic as of 23 July 2019 (prolonged on 15 December 2022) , the State Personal Data Protection Agency of KR as of 23 January 2023.
By 2023 in total 54 alumni have succesfully completed JPO Programme:
Nadezhda Tatkalo'19 (Kyrgyzstan) "The internship at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic was an amazing experience for me providing an opportunity to be introduced to the system of the state agency’s functioning from the inside. On the one hand, I have learnt intricacies of decision making, on the other hand, I have expanded my knowledge in the sphere of trade and economic relations of the Kyrgyz Republic with different states of near and far abroad from the perspective of practical cooperation, including harmonization of documents prepared for signing. Altogether, gained knowledge has changed my approach to assessing the functional effectiveness of state agencies in general in terms of importance to take into account not only its final results that can be rather modest from the standpoint of state and socio-economic impacts, but also the process of overcoming all external and internal coordination procedures, which ultimately represents a great breakthrough."
Asel Kuvatova'20 (Kyrgyzstan): "Through the Junior Public Officers' Programme, I had the opportunity to undergo an internship at the National Investment Agency under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. During the internship, I gained an in-depth understanding of the principles of work and the structure of government agencies in Kyrgyzstan, as well as practical experience in the area of government region development and export promotion. The internship reinforced the knowledge gained during my studies at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek."
Aidanek Duishobai kyzy''21 (Kyrgyzstan) "Thanks to the Junior Public Officers' Programme, I had a chance to be a part of the Investment Attraction team in the National Investment Agency under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. Throughout internship, I had opportunities to assist at organising business forums and meetings, to improve my analytical skills, and gained an expertise in corresponding with other government bodies. Apart from experience, during this internship I also met wonderful people, real professionals, who are passionate about their work. I once again thank the OSCE Academy for providing such opportunities for their alumni."
Guldanika Osmonova'23 (Kyrgyzstan) "This internship served as a turning point for my growth, precisely because I was able to overcome the difficulties that arose along the way. Many insights also came to me during the internship. Let's start with the positive aspects. I enjoyed working with the team that I had the opportunity to collaborate with. I witnessed how an organization with a small workforce can accomplish extensive work through clear leadership, professionalism, and internal cohesion among individuals. During my internship, I was able to determine my future life plans. I realized that engaging in purely routine and technical work quickly leads to burnout, and it is important for me to see how the steps I take impact society and how my actions contribute on a global scale. Overall, I am grateful to the Agency and its employees and I wish them nothing but the best and continued success."
Kunduz Tashmatova'20 (Kyrgyzstan) "The JPO programme was no doubt an excellent opportunity for me to strengthen my professional background in public service and administration and a great platform to apply in practice the knowledge of economic governance and development I received at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. In particular, while interning at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic, I learned how macroeconomic analysis is conducted at the national level. Moreover, the knowledge of WTO law acquired during the IRTA course was especially helpful in drafting Lists of Commitments of the Kyrgyz Republic to the draft Agreement on Free Trade in Services, Establishment, Operation and Investment of the CIS member States. Moreover, I could build professional networks with the Ministry’s representatives, where my internship supervisor Mr. N.Shamshiev, an Honored Economist of the Kyrgyz Republic, advised me to continue my professional career at the Ministry. Overall, the JPO programme enabled me to think globally about my future professional career and identify its next direction for growth."
Daniiar Ashirov'21 (Kyrgyzstan) “Overall, the Junior Officer Program was beneficial to me not only professionally, but also personally, as I was able to improve my "soft" and "hard" skills. For example, it was a great experience to understand the system and the workings of government institutions. In addition, writing analytical papers gave me the opportunity to use the theoretical knowledge of economics in practice. After all, there are business projects, and an accurate assessment of the effectiveness of these business projects in the region is required. It was possible to learn evaluate projects with a different approach."
Zhumagul Akunova'21 (Kyrgyzstan) "I do appreciate this opportunity to be involved in the Regulator’s work. Such an opportunity gave me full understanding of the governmental organization. Besides of that I got to know many nice people, who helped me to enhance my professionalism.”
Akai Omurbek uulu’20 (Kyrgyzstan) “One of the main contributions of the JPO Programme is that it helped me to sneak a glance into the inner workings of the governmental machine – a sort of “black box” for outsiders which too often becomes either an object of ridicule or a coveted starting ground for someone’s career. I have experienced the formal and informal aspects of how this machine actually operates. Additionally, the focus on investment related to the responsibilities of my department helped me better understand international investment law, the topic of arbitration and how sovereignty can be imagined in different contexts. I have had many “Oh now I get it” moments when I could tie the ongoing experiences with the theoretical knowledge provided by the Academy.”
Karimi Mohammad Tamim’20 (Afghanistan) “The experience which I have gained through the JPO program will help me to start my professional career into the public sector of Afghanistan specifically into Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs is one of the top ministries of Afghanistan, therefore, having experience of working in the ministry is considered significant and valuable. It could definitely help us when starting our career in public sector.”
Almagul Isahenbek kyzy’19 (Kyrgyzstan) “I really enjoyed working in the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic. If the opportunity arises after my studies, I will be happy to work there. I would like to thank the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and all the other sponsors of the Junior Public Officers Programme for such a wonderful chance. Thank you very much!”
Rajab Taieb’20 (Afghanistan) “This program widened my network of friends and colleagues. I met experienced lecturers who shared their academic experiences of studying PhD abroad. Since I am determined to continue my education, their insights deepened my understanding and knowledge on taking steps toward further education.”
Zhannat Kozhomgeldieva’20 (Kyrgyzstan) “As for me, it was very important to get experience in the public sector. Taking part in the official meetings and conferences I have met many people, leaders, colleagues that have shared their experience with me. Moreover, I got to know the idea of how the governmental structure works. How do the ministries communicate with each other and what steps need to be completed in order to solve different problems?”
Assel Murat '19 (Kazakhstan) "I am convinced that the experience which I have received during my internship will help me to communicate with the state bodies in an efficient manner given their influence on decision-making in public policy."
Zhalgas Bolat'19 (Kazakhstan) "The following programme utilized my strongest traits as well as helped me to sharpen my knowledge and skills. I particularly note that the given assignments and tasks were well balanced between being analytically and practically oriented. I aspire to pursue a career in the diplomatic service of my country and within the structures of the MFA. As such, I am confident that the experience and knowledge that I have gained during this programme will contribute to the pursuit of this meaningful career. I expanded and deepened my knowledge as well as solidified my skills during this programme."
Mir Ahmad Daimirian'19 (Afghanistan) "The JPO has been an experience for me to know the MFA better, and networking with some employees whom I had known before, thereby allowing me to restore my relations with them. At the same time, I was exposed to the nature of work being done in several entities of the MFA."
Fatima Framarz'19 (Afghanistan) "Learning about the norms of working in public sectors is the most important factor which will contribute to the development of my future career. As far as I would like to work with state institutions or public sector I learned how to manage my professional behavior as a governmental official. Moreover, profiling, writing official letters, and the way of communicating in official diplomatic language are other experiences that will be an asset to contribute in my future career."
Mirlan Otorbaev'19 (Kyrgyzstan) "The experience that I gained will help me in more efficient working with government officials, and understanding the dynamics of governmental departments. At the same time, it broadened my overview in such aspects as public-private cooperation, information exchange, and procedural assistance for private enterprises in bureaucratic burden."
Talgat Ilimbek uulu'14 (Kyrgyzstan) "I received invaluable experience by working with public officers. I feel that I acquired a good grasp of how the decision-making works in the governmental organizations which certainly will benefit me."
Tahmina Raoufi '18 (Afghanistan) "I learnt a lot about the functions, jobs and the nuances of being a diplomat, diplomatic missions which would contribute to my career aspirations of becoming a diplomat and working with the ambassadors in the future."
Aizhan Erisheva '18 (Kyrgyzstan) "Experience recieved during the JPO Programme contributed to my future development. First of all, I have a long lasting interest in economic policy and my theses were about agricultural and industrial policy, so the recieved experience heightened my interest in this topic and I would like to analyze the investment policy of Kyrgyzstan. This experience helped me understand that economic governance is not the only my research interest, but also the sphere of professional interest; and in the future I would like to work in that sphere. I had an opportunity to fully understand the system of public sector and how it operates. Moreover this experience gave me an opportunity to improve my research and analytical skills, and to practice my knowledge obtained at the Academy. This programme was like a springboard for becoming a professional."
Aiperi Kashieva '18 (Kyrgyzstan) "This internship developed my research writing skills, including processing a lot of information, making constructive analysis and delivering it within a short time period. [It] taught me to look at the problem from a completely different side, which greatly contributed to my personal and professional development."
Indira Rakymova '18 (Kazakhstan) "The JPO Programme is a great opportunity for recent graduates to explore themselves on a governmental position, and also expand their knowledge by a diplomacy-related sphere. In my example, I consider the internship at the MFA as a big experience in my starting career as international relations expert. I have explored myself in the role of public officer, and acquainted with work specifics on a governmental position. Overall, I highly evaluate the given opportunity to learn office ethics and work environment at the MFA. At least, I have studied two unknown spheres of work such as finance and diplomatic chancery. This internship helped me expand my knowledge in international relations by learning diplomacy and protocol related issues."
Dinmukhamed Omirali '18 (Kazakhstan) "There are many insights and benefits of the JPO program, and definitely, it will contribute to my future career. For instance, by the suggestions of my colleagues and supervisor I applied for the special testing for the employers of the governmental institutions, and was successful. I have certificate now. Moreover, I increased my professional network by meeting the experts of my field. The JPO program also let me show my potential."
Alina Abylkasymova '14 (Kyrgyzstan) "The tasks assigned to me required a lot of analytical work, which certainly contributed to the development of my research skills in the field of migration, investment as well as in the sphere of development of the economy as a whole. I never thought I could be a consultant before. During my internship at the Ministry of Economy, I learned about the work of the consultant. I am very glad that this program allowed me to try my skills in this area."
Medina Abylkasymova '17 (Kyrgyzstan) "The internship opportunity was a good place for networking. I have met many successful businessmen and entrepreneurs who can be good connections for my future career."
Alina Abylkasymova '14 (Kyrgyzstan) "Experience recieved during JPO Programme has taught me how to build strong relationships with representatives of local administrations (akimiat), ministries, international organizations and business area. In addition, I learnt the issues of domestic entrepreneurs and the role of government in the process of solving those problems. Internship helped me to see how the relationship between private and public bodies are built."
Naqibullah Ahmadi '17 (Afghanistan) "I am very happy with the decision of joining Ministry of Foreign affairs as an intern through the Junior Public Officer program supported by the OSCE Academy. Beside carrying out various administration and technical tasks but I also attended seminars, trainings and Political Diplo-macy classes at the Diplomacy Institute. The institute arranges various classes (Diplomatic and political training courses along with language courses) for their employees in order to build up their capacities."
Romal Sulimankhil '17 (Afghanistan) "Because of JPO programme I was able to gain required experience about govern-mental administrations roles, structures, and partic-ularly about the diplomatic relations and diplomacy. As I am very interested to work in diplomatic and foreign affairs of Afghan government, there-fore, the experience and knowledge I have obtained will help me to pass the National exam which is required for the entering to work in ministry of foreign affairs. The JPO programme is significant path for newly graduated students to obtain required experience and hence their capability and capacity for future work in State agencies and non-govern-mental organization."In support of alumni professional integration in public service, beginning from 2010 the Academy has run a Junior Public Officers' (JPO) Programme. JPO Programme provides an opportunity to the OSCE Academy graduates from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Afghanistan to intern at the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and other State Agencies of the country of their respective citizenship. The purpose of the Programme is to give alumni of the Academy valuable work experience in the public service of their home countries and thus to contribute with it to shape their future career choices."
Danat Tumabaev '17 (Kazakhstan) “The JPO program launched by OSCE Academy in Bishkek gives an opportunity to experience being a governmental servant. During the program, graduates will understand how government runs projects, communicates between other governmental agencies, and makes future connections. Being a JPO at MFA taught me invaluable lessons in the communication with top officials. And, despite our failings, we still deserve respect. Never let anyone put you down. Personally, I suggest that perspective graduates apply for the program.
By taking this opportunity, I would like to express my respect to the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and gratitude for the chance to participate at JPO Program.”
Alan Mamatov '16 (Kyrgyzstan) "JPO programme developed by the OSCE Academy in Bishkek is truly a unique experience for a young graduate and a precious addition to a master's degree. There, I received a chance to enhance obtained knowledge with practice, and participate in promoting large-scale investment projects. Moreover, as a JPO from the OSCE Academy, I was constantly given real complicated tasks on the same level with the experts of the agency. I encourage our prospective graduates to apply, and would like to send my warmest gratitude to the OSCE Academy for organizing such powerful opportunities for its students."
Suhailla Khyber '10 (Afghanistan) "JPO programme developed by the OSCE Academy in Bishkek is truly a unique experience for a young graduate and a precious addition to a master's degree. There, I received a chance to enhance obtained knowledge with practice, and participate in promoting large-scale investment projects. Moreover, as a JPO from the OSCE Academy, I was constantly given complicated tasks on the same level with the experts of the agency. I encourage our prospective graduates to apply, and would like to send my warmest gratitude to the OSCE Academy for organizing such powerful opportunities for its students."
Vassiliy Lakhonin ’14 (Kazakhstan) “My experience at MFA (at the Department of Multilateral Cooperation) was a dynamic combination of administrative-bureaucratic tasks along with intellectual challenges, ethics and diplomacy regulations, which speaks for the fact that learning is a complex and never-ending process.”
Yermek Abilgaziev ’15 (Kazakhstan) “With every week at MFA I became more inspired to contribute to the development of my country and the strengthening of its political and economic role in a world. This internship offered me precisely this opportunity, by allowing me to employ my theoretical International Relations knowledge in a practical context. I gained valuable insight into MFA activities and am especially interested to know about the internal decision-making process. Last but not least, I am eager to learn more about how to achieve outcomes in the national interest, as I hope ultimately to build a career in the MFA.”
Idrees Muhammad '15 (Afghanistan) "I am very satisfied with my decision of joining MOFA as an intern. I not only carry out various administration tasks but I also attended seminars and Political Diplomacy classes. The institute arranges various classes (Diplomatic and political training courses along with language courses) for their employees in order to build up their capacities. Besides these, the Institute also gives the opportunity to bring international and regional experts and give presentations and speech on various important topics. I participated in different classes and seminars of multiple topics. I found all those seminars and classes very important and relevant and they enhanced my knowledge and my interest with different international and regional topics."
Anna Savchenko '15 (Kazakhstan) "Overall, the JPO experience influenced my vision of civil service and functioning of the Ministry, its internal structure and procedures. Moreover, it contributed to my understanding of decision-making and implementation processes in state structures of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Moreover, I could better comprehend national interests of Kazakhstan in the sphere of international security."
Elvira Kalmurzaeva '15 (Kyrgyzstan) "I am about to start my professional career, and I am confident that report writing and organizational skills I gained during these months will positively impact on my performance. Researches I have done for my Department expanded my knowledge about the OSCE and security situation in Kyrgyzstan."
Sino Ruziev '15 (Tajikistan) "I learned many things while working in the MFA. First of all, I improved one of my languages. Secondly, I was introduced to the structure of the MFA. I got to built networks in the MFA."
Sakina Qasemi '14 (Afghanistan) “The three months working experience at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is considered as a good achievement for me. It is because this Programme gave me the opportunity to understand and practically take part in their working procedures and become aware of their norms and rules. This knowledge from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs environment and employees has helped me in my decision to be a permanent employee of the Ministry.”
Emil Ibraev '14 (Kyrgyzstan) “I have received a tremendous and invaluable experience of working at the main agency of foreign policy of the state. During this internship, I looked at the sphere of multilateral diplomacy with my own eyes and learned internal mechanisms of the MFA and implementation of the state’s foreign policy.”
Nurbek Bekmurzaev '14 (Kyrgyzstan) “I received a lot of experience, which I will certainly need throughout my career. This internship was an opportunity to see what it is like to work for the government in our country. I was introduced to the government bureaucracy. It was a unique experience in terms of learning how our foreign policy is formulated.”
Ahmad Munir Faruhee '13 (Afghanistan) "I gained quite valuable experience by working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan. It’s a great place for new graduates like me who is very interested to work with, given my background and educational qualifications."
Aliya Sadykova '10 (Kazakhstan) "Internship in the Ministry was a great opportunity for me to get experience in government service. The length of the program has given me the time to make a decision about the further career in the government and gather and submit necessary documents for governmental service."
Begaim Akimbaeva '13 (Kyrgyzstan) "I had an opportunity to take part in the JPO Programme and work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan. As a result I gained priceless experience that will undoubtedly contribute to my future career development."
Reina Artur kyzy '13 (Kyrgyzstan) "Previously I had an experience with the state institutions; however, this opportunity with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and involvement in international relations were for the first time. Thus, I consider that it was very valuable and important experience to my future career. The JPO programme firstly showed me the whole process of the decision making on international level by states and international organizations on variety of issues; secondly, I have learnt how to work and communicate with state institutions and authorities of different levels; thirdly, I have achieved a lot in improving my analytical skills, which always will be valued at any work; and finally, this experience showed me that there is a wide range of career possibilities within state structures that can bring dynamic and interesting development of personality and it's skills."
Uguloy Mukhtorova '13 (Tajikistan) "There are several benefits for my further career development:
- My obtained knowledge and experiences are useful to improve my professionalism in different fields;
- I knew procedures from inside in the public sector, especially in the MFA. My obtained experience will be useful for every state agency or non-governmental sector.
- Network in a positive meaning. As I told before there are bureaucratic procedures and I know how to foster my work in other organizations not violating the laws and regulations;"
Bibigul Izbair '12 (Kazakhstan) "...the positive side of the internship was that it went particularly well in terms of creating a network of contacts which are useful for my current job in capacity of the OSCE employee. Moreover, working on analytical report gave me an opportunity to apply my research skills and explore new topics of interest. I strongly believe that studying politics and security issues at the OSCE Academy greatly facilitated my ability to implement the internship tasks at a high level. Overall, I would like to express my gratitude to the OSCE Academy for their efforts to make this internship possible."
Natalia Zakharchenko '12 (Kyrgyzstan) "The received experience will greatly contribute and already did so for my personal development. First of all, in terms of knowledge, I was able to learn different aspects of bureaucracy and diplomacy which are relevant for my future career plans. Second, practically, I understood how to put these things in practice. And thirdly, most importantly, I got a chance to see how the structure works, what different procedures, details are, and enhanced my communication skills."
Cholpon Aitakhunova '12 (Kyrgyzstan) "As for the gained experience at the MFA of Kyrgyzstan, I consider that it has an immense value, because I learnt a lot of useful things which will be needed during my everyday work be it in an international organization or a local company, or a state institution. My everyday tasks became an important set of necessary knowledge for future work."
Anahita Saymidinova '12 (Tajikistan) "The rich experience I received during the JPO Programme will definitely contribute for my future development because I acquired necessary practical skills for my future career within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan."
Dinara Mussabalina '11 (Kazakhstan) “I see an internship at the MFA as a great opportunity not only to gain personal experience in the Ministry in the foreign affairs field, but also to bring back new visions and ideas to Kazakhstan, regardless of whether in the future I work in governmental or civil society agencies.”
Elnura Omurkulova '11 (Kyrgyzstan) "This JPO Programme can be assisted as an invaluable asset to my experience. The responsibility that I hold gave me practical skills for my future career. The understanding and practice of the structure of diplomatic correspondence will help me in my future plans if I would decide to continue my career in state institution or at least to cooperate with such as a member of the international or non-governmental organization. Definitely, I have to mention the networks that I built with the staff of the department: well-qualified, kind and open specialists who were eager to assist me with any question I had."
Daniyar Suyunov '05 (Kyrgyzstan) "I have gained a valuable experience during my internship in the department of international organizations and security under MFA. I was able to establish friendly relationships with the most of MFA’s staff and I believe this will help me in my further career development in this government system."
Shoira Olimova '11 (Tajikistan) " is good place for making a future diplomat career."