
The OSCE Academy cooperates with a number of Higher Education Institutions within the framework of Erasmus+ programme, funded by European Commission. Such collaborations opens up new horizons for students, faculty, and staff.


INTERNATIONAL CREDIT MOBILITY FOR STUDENTS provides Academy's Master students an opportunity to spend a semester at the Europen Partner University acquiring the experience of studying in international environment, developing soft skills, extending the network and exploring new culture. Incoming Exchange Students will benefit from studying in the class, comprised of students from all Central Asian countries, Afghanistan and Mongolia. Participants receive a monthly grant as well as a lump sum for travel expenses, funded by the European Commission.

Current Partner University: 

TEACHING MOBILITY FOR ACADEMIC STAFF allows Academy's faculty members to teach for 1-2 weeks at the European Partner University. Teaching assignments can come in various forms: seminars, lectures, workshops and tutorials. Staff will be able to extend professional network, internationalize the teaching and/or work experience, increase inter-cultural competences and add international work experience to CV.

Current Partner University:

National Erasmus+ Office in Kyrgyzstan

Academic Calendar MA in Politics and Security  Other Programme Resources

Academic Calendar MA in Economic Governance and Development Other Programme Resources

Grading Guidelines 

Info Leaflet for Exchange Students and Faculty (inc. Visa, Accomodation, Health Insurance)


Victoria Orazova, Head of International Office
phone: +996 (312) 54 32 00 (ext.117)
Office 15, 3rd floor