Academy Yearbook

Academy Yearbook 2022 -2023

13 policy briefs published on the OSCE Academy’s website between 2022 and 2023 cover a breadth of topics ranging from industrial developments to regional security issues, and from public diplomacy approaches to strategies for countering international terrorism. The diverse and thought-provoking content within this Yearbook reflects the rigorous intellectual discourse that the OSCE Academy fosters.


Academy Yearbook 2022-2023



Academy Yearbook 2021

This year’s yearbook is comprised of 18 contributions that have been organised into five sections. In the first two sections,  ‘Hegemony, or the Lack Thereof?’ and ‘Looking for Friends’, our authors attempt to understand the evolving power dynamics of Central Asia, and the region’s quest for connections further afield, respectively. In the third and fourth sections, ‘The Challenge of Climate Change’ and ‘Learning, Working, Communicating’, they explore several of the challenges and opportunities that Central Asia is currently facing, ranging from the environment’s impact on labour migration to the scale, depth and quality of digitalisation across the region. Finally, in the fifth section, ‘China in the OSCE’s Backyard’, our authors explore the implications of the ongoing emergence of the People’s Republic of China for India, Pakistan and, somewhat indirectly, the United States of America.

Language: Russian 



Academy Yearbook 2020

This Yearbook presents the ten most recent works, written between 2018-2020, on a wide range of regional issues of current importance. Thematically, the Yearbook is divided into three sections. The first section contains articles analyzing contemporary security issues in the region that arise as a result of both internal and external factors. In the second section we draw your attention to a number of recent developments in the political arena of the region, in particular concerning groups remaining outside the decision-making process. In the last section of our collection, the authors discuss a number of cross-regional topics, ranging from international assistance to energy policy, in the light of the new cooperation between the European Union and the Central Asian states.

Language: Russian 



Academy Yearbook 2018

Launched in 2018 Academy Yearbook for Policy Analysis includes selected works of researchers from the region and beyond, written over the past few years, and specifically edited and translated into Russian for this new collection. This first volume consists of three sections, combining articles on thematic areas. In the first section, the authors analyze the socio-economic challenges of different levels facing the countries of Central Asia. The second section is devoted to a comprehensive review of the dialogue between the citizen and the state. Articles from the third, final, part of the collection examine the current issues of security and international cooperation.

Language: Russian
