Alumni Publications in 2023

1. "Сравнение опыта афганских беженцев и российских релокантов в Таджикистане и пути их интеграции" [Comparison of the Experience of Afghan Refugees and Russian Relocants in Tajikistan and Ways of Their Integration], by Aziz Berdiqulov'13, Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting (, 2023.

2. “Регулирование интернета в Туркменистане” [Regulation of Internet in Turkmenistan], by Rustam Muhamedov'19, Digital Rights and Freedoms Landscape (DRFL Kazakhstan), 26 April 2023.

3. “How, and Why, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan Shut Down the Internet”, by Rustam Muhamedov'19 (co-authored with Dana Buralkiyeva), The Diplomat, 9 March 2023.

4. "Uzbekistan Takes a Stance Against Promoting or Endorsing Polygamy", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, December 2023.

5. "Uzbekistan’s Imams Stand in Solidarity With Palestine", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, November 2023.

6. "Measuring the Power and Legitimacy of Uzbekistan’s Islamic Leaders", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat,  August 2023.

7. "The Hujra Phenomenon: How Do Uzbekistan’s Children Learn About Islam?", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, August 2023.

8. "In Uzbekistan, Another Z-Artist’s Concert Canceled", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, July 2023.

9. "New Uzbekistan, New Universities, New Problems", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, July 2023.

10. "The Taliban’s New Canal Threatens Water Security in Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, July 2023. 

11. "Redeeming Book Culture in Uzbekistan", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, June 2023. 

12. "Meet the Women Who Pushed Uzbekistan to Criminalize Domestic Violence",  by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, May 2023. 

13. "Civil Society Activists Launch Campaign Against ‘Culture of Violence", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, April, 2023. 

14. "Online Bride and Prejudice in Uzbek Society, with Zukhra Rakhmatullaeva", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, March, 2023. 

15. "Another Uzbek Killed in Ukraine", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, March 2023.

16. "Central Asians Face Entry Denial at Georgian Border", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, in The Diplomat, March 2023. 

17. "A Gender Perspective on HIV Prevalence in Uzbekistan", by Niginakhon Uralova'18 (co-authored with Sara Scardavilli), The Diplomat, February 2023. 

18. "Uzbekistan’s Drawn-out Journey From Cyrillic to Latin Script", by Niginakhon Uralova'18, The Diplomat, January 2023. 

19. "Экономическая теория", by Elena Kostuchenko'23, [Economic Theory]: электронный учебно-методический комплекс для студентов неэкономических специальностей / И.В. Зенькова [и др.]; под общ. ред. К.В. Павлова, И.В. Зеньковой. – Новополоцк: Полоц. гос. ун-т им. Евфросинии Полоцкой, 2023. – 346 с. ISBN 978-985-531-863-8. 

20. "International Cooperation Between Universities And Business As A Condition For Raising Human Development Level", by Elena Kostuchenko (co-authored with Alena Bahdanava, Marina Gaydova, Sviatlana Izmailovich, and Elvira Voronko), BIO Web Conf., 83 (2024) 06001. 

21. "Ресурсы и условия для развития майнинга криптовалют", by Elena Kostuchenko (co-authored with Е.V. Bogdanova), International Scientific and Practical Conference "DEVELOPMENT AND INTERACTION OF THE REAL AND FINANCIAL SECTORS OF ECONOMY IN THE CONDITIONS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION", 5—6 October 2023. 

22. "Afghanistan: The Compounding Effect of Covid-19 and Taliban on Human Rights Defenders and Journalist", by Abdul Rahman Yasa'18, REPRESSIVE MEASURES DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN SOUTH ASIA: IMPLICATIONS ON CIVIC SPACE AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS.

23. "Central Asia's Hazardous Air. How to Solve the Air Pollution Problem?", by Ermek Baisalov'17, ConnexUs, May 2023.

24. "Chapter in India and Inner Asia: Commerce, Culture and Connectivity in Taylor and Francis", by Selbi Hanova, 2024.

25. "Dietary Quality of Women of Reproductive Age in Low-Income Settings: A cross-sectional study in Kyrgyzstan", by Aiperi Otunchieva'12, Nutrients, 2022.

26. "The Transformation of Food Culture on the Case of Kyrgyz Nomads  - Historical Overview", by Aiperi Otunchieva'12, Sustainability, 2021

27. "Unveiling Kazakh agency: The Imperial Russian conquest of Akmechet fortress", by Seiilkhan Tokbolat'21 (co-authored with Djursunbayev, B.),  Bulletin Abai KazNPU, The Series of «Historical and Socio-Political Sciences», 4(79), Article 7., 2023.  

28. "Gender Equality and International Human Rights Law in Kyrgyzstan", by Aizhan Erisheva'18, Springer Link, 2023.

29. "A journey from Kabul to Bishkek", by Zarlasht Sarmast'23, AUCA, March 2022. 

30. "How to Strengthen the Political Participation and Leadership of Women in Kyrgyzstan?", by Jylzdyz Abdyldaeva'17, CABAR, March 2023. 

31. "Kyrgyzstan at the Crossroads: Climate Challenges and Economic Renewal in a Warming World", by Tinatin Osmonova, CABAR, August 2023. 

32. "Russia-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan Gas Union: The Costs and Benefits for Uzbekistan", by Jamshid Aramov'24, November 2023.

33. "‘I still trust the Russian media more’ Narratives and perception of Russian propaganda in Kyrgyzstan", by Rashid Gabdulhakov'13, EUCAM, June 2023.

34. "Rural media studies: making the case for a new subfield", by Rashid Gabdulhakov'13, SageJournals, June 2023. 

35. "Forum: Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: What Did We Miss?", by Rashid Gabdulhakov'13 (co-authored with Mahon A., Pearce J., Korobkov A., Gozalishvili N., Topuria R, Stercul N, Vacarelu M), International Studies Perspectives, Volume 25, Issue 3, August 2024.

36. "Perceptions of Russia’s War in the Global South", by Rashid Gabdulhakov'13 (co-authored with Kleinschmidt J., Miniailo A, Ngoc Minh Nguyen C, ETH Zürich, 2023. 

37. "Linking and learning with human and environmental rights activists from South Caucasus and Central Asia", by Shoira Olimova'11 (co-authored with Turashvili M., Lesikhina N.), International Accountability Project (IAP), September 2022.

38. "Maximizing community-led research planning in advancing environmental protection and human rights in Armenia", by Shoira Olimova'11, International Accountability Project (IAP), July 2023. 

39. "Can the European Union Tackle Afghanistan’s Crises?", by Rahimullah Kakar'16, The Diplomat, May 2023. 

40. "Ways to Overcome Afghanistan Crisis in Post-Republic Collapse Modern Diplomacy", by Rahimullah Kakar'16, MODERN DIPLOMACY, April 2023.

41. "Queering Central Asia: FRIDA’s role in supporting queer activism in the region and the challenges that come with it", by Ainagul Amatbekova'23, FRIDA, June 2023.

42. "An analysis of Toxic tweets related to climate change, Covid-19, and immigration", by Amrullah Haleemi'21, (co-authored with Holmes I., Nicolson M., Sharma H.), Radicalisation Foresights, June 2023. 

43. "Simulating households' energy transition in Amsterdam: An agent-based modeling approach", by Erkinai Derkenbaeva'16, (co-authored with Hofstede G., Leeuwen E., Vega S.), ELSEVIER, 2023. 

44. "Bridging the Strait: The Geopolitics of Michrochip Production in Taiwan amid US-China Relations", by Ikramidin Zhakypaliev'24, Ibn Haldun University, January 2024. 


46. "An Overview of Climate Change in Afghanistan: Causes, Consequences, Challenges and Policies", by Najibullah Zaki'16, TU Darmstadt. Institute for Political Science, 2023.

47. "Отношения России со странами Центральной Азии в условиях трансформации мирового порядка", by Aleksei Dundich'05, St Petersburg,  2023.