Д-р Эмильбек ДжураевПреподаватель Предмет: История политической мысли, Политика и безопасность Центральной Азии |
Эмиль Джураев получил степень PhD в университете Мэриленд, США. Д-р Жураев преподает такие курсы, как Политические институты и процессы, Политика и безопасность Центральной Азии, Семинар Магистерская работа. Его преподавательский опыт включает в себя преподавание в таких университетах, как Американский Университет в Центральной Азии и Университет Мэриленда.
Latest Research publications:
“The Law and Politics of Keeping a Constitutional Order: Kyrgyzstan’s Cautionary Story”, lead author (with three co-authors), in The Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, Vol 7, No 2, (Fall 2015).
“Central Asian Stances on the Ukraine Crisis: Treading a Thin Line?”, in Connections – Quarterly Journal, Vol 14, No 4 (Fall 2015).
“Events of April 7 2010: managing political emergency situations”, in Experience of the Kyrgyz Republic in Managing Crises: Lessons for Future, ed by Aida Alymbaeva and Todor Tagarev, Geneva Center for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), 2014. Original in Russian; translated into English and Kyrgyz.
“The Kazakh and Kyrgyz Sides: So Close yet So Far”, book chapter, co-authored with Shairbek Dzhuraev, in Snetkov and Aris (eds), Regional Dimensions of Security: The Other Sides of Afghanistan, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2013.
“Drug Trafficking the Main Threat? Seeing the problem in its context”, contribution to a forthcoming volume on security in Central Asia after 2014, organized by researchers of the Swedish ministry of defense;
“The Problem of ‘Not Knowing’ Afghanistan: The Case of Kyrgyzstan”, Afghanistan Regional Forum No. 4, Central Asia Program, George Washington University, published January 2013:
“Bertelsmann Transformation Index 2010: Kyrgyzstan”, for Bertelsmann Foundation (Germany), published within BTI-2010 report:
Policy research and writing:
“The Nature and Scope of Religious Radicalization among the Central Asian Labor Migrants in the Russian Federation”; researcher team leader; a large-scale applied research project conducted by Search For Common Ground (SFCG) office in Kyrgyzstan; May-December 2017.
“Rule of Law and Civil Society in Kyrgyzstan”, for CEELI Institute. October 2015.
“The 2014 Withdrawal of Coalition Forces from Afghanistan and its Implications for Kyrgyzstan’s Foreign Policy”, policy brief for Institute for the Study of Public Policy, Academy of Management, Bishkek, December 2013; In Russian.
“Legal Culture and Legal Nihilism; the Role of the Propaganda of Law”, policy report for National Institute for Strategic Studies, Bishkek, November 2013;
“Envisioning a Stable and Secure Afghanistan after 2014”: the position paper on Kyrgyzstan. Contribution to a regional policy discussion project on post-2014 Afghanistan and its region, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, October 2013;
“In Quest of Lasting Stability in the Ferghana Valley”, commissioned analytical paper for UNRCCA, September, 2013;
“Security and Cooperation in Central Asia, and the foreign policy tasks of Kyrgyzstan”, analytical paper for Institute of Public Policy Studies, Academy of Management, Bishkek, September 2013.