
Book Presentation in the OSCE Academy

30 September, 2014

On 30 September the OSCE Academy hosted a presentation of the new book "Crisis Response in Kyrgyzstan’s Recent Experience: Lessons for the Future " edited by Aida Alymbaeva (Kyrgyzstan) and Todor Togars (Bulgaria).
This almanac is a guide for government officials, as well as the international community, whose activities are directly related to the work on conflict management and conflict prevention in the region.
The book covers major conflicts that occurred in Kyrgyzstan over the past 15 years. Each chapter, written by eight Kyrgyz analysts – authors of the book,  contains background and main factors that lead to the conflict, timeline and lessons learned. 
The book has been published with the support of the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), as well as financial assistance of the Ministries of Defence of Latvia and Switzerland.

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