On 4 December three representatives of the OSCE Academy Ms Svetlana Dzardanova, Viktoria Orazova and Tatyana Makarova participated in the communication training, organized by Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).
The communication coordinator, research and training coordinator and alumni coordinator have spent two days in the office of NUPI to study the activities of the Communications Department, meet the staff of NUPI, and acquired new knowledge in the development of a communications strategy for the OSCE Academy.
This visit took place within the framework of a partnership project of the Academy and NUPI. The main objective of the project is to increase awareness of the OSCE Academy through the establishment of professional communication strategy.
They were also invited for a Department of Russian and Eurasian Studies' Annual International Conference 2014 “Russia and global (dis)order” - one of the biggest and representative events of the year. Conference was organized with the participation of renowned international academic experts, relevant international and public organizations. The meeting served to get a better understanding of the current situation with regard to international conflict in Ukraine and elsewhere, and the dramatically increased tension between the West and Russia.