
Visit of the Vice President of Intel Corporation

16 November, 2015

On 16 November the OSCE Academy hosted an informal meeting with Ms Shelly Esque, Vice President of Intel Corporation. Ms Esque has eighnteen years of experience in the Intel Corporation, where she started as Arizona Public Affairs manager and ultimately created Corporate Affairs Group, adding Intel's $100 million per year education efforts to her existing portfolio managing Intel's Corporate Social Responsibility, environmental sustainability, community, foundation, and government relations efforts worldwide.

Ms Esque shared her professional experience working in the government and corporate sectors and talked about Intels’ work philosophy, technology advancements and global educational and philanthropic programmes. Special attention was paid to the issues of gender equality within the IT business sector. 

The talk was followed by questions and answers session, where students raised various issues such as, impact of global crisis on Intel, future technological predictions, engagement of girls and women in the technology sector, hints for developing successful business startup and work and family balance for female leaders.

Ms Esque concluded the discussion by providing valuable advices for successful career development and highlighted the importance of education and life-long learning.


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