
Workshop on “Jobs Diagnostics and Economic mobility in the Kyrgyz Republic”

10 December, 2015

Today the World Bank Poverty and Equity Program in the Kyrgyz Republic organized the workshop “Jobs Diagnostics and Economic mobility in the Kyrgyz Republic” in the OSCE Academy for the students of Academy and other universities.

Dr. Jennifer Keller, a senior economist in the Macroeconomics and fiscal management practice of the World Bank, opened a workshop with presentation on “Transitioning to better jobs in the Kyrgyz Republic: A Jobs Diagnostic“. Presentation covered important social issues regarding problems related to the jobs development in the Kyrgyz Republic and impact of migration on employment. The inability for the formal private sector to create jobs can be traced to problems affecting output and firm growth, largely related to firm size and age. Addressing the jobs challenge in the Kyrgyz Republic requires a range of policies and arrangements, from removing the barriers to firm entry and growth, to making migration work better for jobs.

Dr. Anita Guelfi presented recent report on “Economic mobility in the Kyrgyz Republic“ which focuses on the degree and main characteristics of economic mobility in the Kyrgyz Republic. Mobility analysis can help to unveil what happened below the surface of poverty stagnation of 2009, thereby enabling to understand whether the reduced pace in poverty eradication was associated with mobility in and out of the poverty status and to obtain a profile of the corresponding groups.

The presentations were followed by question-answer session and discussion.

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