
The International Certificate Training Programme in Conflict Sensitive Development completed at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek

24 June, 2016

On 24 June 2016, 22 young professionals from Central Asian countries, Afghanistan and Mongolia completed the International Certificate Training Programme in Conflict Sensitive Development at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. The course participants went through two weeks of modules and group work on project management, human rights and conflict sensitivity in Bishkek.

The Certificate Programme was launched in 2010 and aimed at strengthening the professional capacity of experts from public and non-profit organizations of the seven states to design, implement and evaluate development projects which are sensitive to human rights and conflict issues.

The Programme was taught by two trainers, Mr Augustin Nicolescou from the Herbert C. Kelman Institute and Dr Cordula Reimann, the founder&head of Core consultancy and training in conflict transformation. Mr Nicolescou focused on working on conflict in development cooperation, basic concepts of conflicts and sociological dimensions of power, conflict and development. As a case study, the trainer discussed his experience in post-tsunami reconstruction in Sri Lanka.

Dr Reimann concentrated on the definition and context of conflict-sensitivity in the international debate. The trainer used the so-called “3 steps” approach based on conflict analysis, context analysis and strategic choices & preventing doing harm. This approach was applied to the case study of Tajikistan.


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