On 10 June OSCE Academy Director Dr. Alexander Wolters addressed the OSCE Permanent Council within the Annual Report presentation of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek delivered by Ambassador Alexey Rogov. Following Ambassador Rogov’s speech, Dr. Wolters presented a summary of the key developments of the OSCE Academy for the period since June 2020 and further elaborated on the plans to expand the programmatic activities in the coming years. During the reporting period the Academy adjusted its MA Programmes to a hybrid format, whereas the certificate professional trainings, joint summer schools, alumni meetings, and academic conferences remained for most parts fully online. While the pandemic impacted the above-mentioned activities, it did not prevent the Academy from hosting a number of associate and full-time researchers and postdoctoral research fellows. Furthermore, 13 new issues of Central Asian Policy Briefs, one special issue dedicated to “China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Central Asia,” and one annual Analytical Yearbook were published within the last year. Director Wolters also presented the new bilateral regional and international partnerships and the new cooperation agreements within the EU’s Erasmus+ programme. In conclusion, Director Wolters informed the Delegations about the plans to develop a BA Programme in Economics and a PhD Programme in Security Studies as part of the new extrabudgetary project that will provide support to the institution for the years 2021-2024 and which has been designed in order to help increase the Academy’s impact on shaping a new generation of young professionals in the region.
On 23 June the Board of Trustees of the Academy met online to listen to the Director's report on the latest developments and to elect a new Chairperson - Ambassador Alexey Rogov, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, as well as new members of the Board of Trustees - representing Austria, Germany, Norway, Switzerland and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. Director Dr. Wolters presented the Annual Report for 2020 and a comprehensive overview of graduate programmes, trainings, research & publications, alumni relations, and finances in light of COVID-caused limitations. The presentation is available here.
All the activities and programmes run by the OSCE Academy are possible due to to regular and new supporters among the participating States, the OSCE and the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, and the Kyrgyz Government, who all generously contribute and support the OSCE Academy.