Alumni Publications in 2019

1.  “Heroes or Hooligans? Media Portrayal of StopXam [Stop a Douchebag] Vigilantes in Russia”, by Gabdulhakov Rashid ’13, Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research 11(3).16-45, 2019

2. “In the Bullseye of Vigilantes: Mediated Vulnerabilities of Kyrgyz Labour Migrants in Russia”, by Gabdulhakov Rashid ’13, Media and Communication 7(2):230-241, 2019.

3. “Platform Surveillance and Resistance in Iran and Russia: The Case of Telegram”, Akbari, A., & Gabdulhakov Rashid ’13, Surveillance & Society, 17(1/2), 223-231, 2019.

4. “Museums, memory and meaning-creation: (re)constructing the Tajik nation”, by Helge Blakkisrud and Faruh Kuziev ’15 in Nations and Nationalism 25 (3), 997–1017, 2019.

5. “Uzbekistan: History and Economy,” by Payam Foroughi and Galina Kolodzinskaia`16, in Dominic, Heaney (Eds.)  Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2020, London: Routledge, 555-566, 2019

6.  “Turkmenistan: History,” by Payam Foroughi and Galina Kolodzinskaia`16, in Dominic, Heaney (Eds.) Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2020, London: Routledge, 482-492, 2019

7.  “Kyrgyzstan: History,” by Payam Foroughi and Galina Kolodzinskaia `16, in Dominic, Heaney (Eds.) Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia 2020, London: Routledge, 249-253, 2019

8. “Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)”, by Yrys Abdieva.  SpringerLink. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, May 13, 2019.

9. “Humanitarian Intervention”, by Yrys Abdieva. SpringerLink. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, December 10, 2019.

10. "Digital Transformations to Improve the Work and Distribution of the State Scholarships Programs", by Vassiliy Lakhonin '13, Peer-reviewed Journal of Distribution Science, March 2019

11. “The Era of Coercive Diplomacy in Iranian Nuclear Deal”, by Rahimullah Kakar ‘16, Cesran International, January 31, 2020.

12. “Development of transport corridors in Central Asia and the effect of the 'Belt and Road' initiative” [Razvitiye transportnykh korridorov v tsentralnoy Azii i effekty initsyativy "Poyas i Put”], co-authored by Elnura Omurkulova-Ozierska '11, December, 2019

13. "Kyrgyzstan: How To Find a Balance In Language Policy?", by Ermek Baisalov '17, March 18, 2019

14. “How to Cope with Disinformation in Kyrgyzstan?", by Ermek Baisalov '17, August 2, 2019.

15. “A Glimpse of 2050 Kyrgyzstan”, by Mohammad Idrees ’15, Open Central Asia Magazine (OCA), April 30, 2019.

16. “Role of Afghanistan in Connecting Central and South Asia through energy”, by Mohammad Idrees ’15, Central Asian Bureau of Analytical Reporting (CABAR), April 02, 2019.

17. “Peace Education Equips Youth with Conflict Resolution Skills in War-torn Afghanistan”, by Mohammad Idrees ’15, Journey of Hope (Magazine), Central Asia Institute, Fall 2019.

18. “Building Peace in Afghanistan from the Bottom-up”, by Mohammad Idrees ’15, co-author with Jawed Samsor, United States Institute of Peace, August 27, 2019.

19. “A weapon in our hands or to our heads?” by by Gabdulhakov Rashid ’13 (Blog entry). ERMeCC PhD Club. (Available: 5 July 2019).

20. “Nation Branding, Social Classes and Cultural Heritage in Uzbekistan”, by Dilmira Matyakubova ’14, CABAR - Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting, April 2019.

21. "Do the Afghan Taliban and Pakistan get on as well as some think?", by Arwin Rahi '12, Prism, April 27, 2019.

22. "How the Taliban Won America's Nineteen-Year War", by Arwin Rahi '12, The National Interest, November 6, 2019.

23. "Ahmad Shah Durrani and the misconceptions surrounding the Third Battle of Panipat", by Arwin Rahi '12, Express Tribune Blogs, December 10, 2019.

24. "SMEs as the backbone of the economy: a daunting development challenge for Tajikistan", by Sabrinisso Valdosh '17, EUCAM Commentary No. 33, 2019.

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