Alumni Publications in 2022

1. "Bologna Process Implementation in Central Asia", by Serik Beimenbetov'05, In Conference Volume "Development Trends in Education in Central Asia", Almaty, 2022: 125-133.

2. "Assessing Resilience Capacities of Communities in Kazakhstan: An Overview of 2021 Field Research Findings", by Serik Beimenbetov'05, In Conference Volume "Kazakhstan in the Contemporary World: Global, Regional, Local", Almaty, 2022: 9-20.

3. "New Regime - Old Problems: Assessing Freedom of Religion or Belief in Uzbekistan", by Galina Avdar-Kolodzinskaia'17, LÄNDERBERICHTE RELIGIONSFREIHEIT, Accessed 23, 2023. 

4. "Yüzyılın Başlarında Osmanlı – Kazak İlişkilerinin Seyri ve Rusya’nın Karşı Tedbirleri", by Seiilkhan Tokbolat'21, BiligKongyratbayev, O., Rustemov, S. & Zhursunbayev, B. (2022). 19.  Bilig, (100), 59-75.  

5. "Higher education expansion in Kazakhstan and regime stability", by Seiilkhan Tokbolat'21, Power and Education, 2022. 

6. "Purity vs. Safety: How Uyat Undermines Youth’s Sexual Literacy in Kazakhstan", by Karlygash Kabatova'14, The Steppe and Beyond: Studies on Central Asia. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, 2022. 

7. "Kazakhstan must introduce sex", by Karlygash Kabatova'14, Perpectives, 2022. 

8. "Контроль над женским телом: Как отличаются репродуктивные права женщин в США и в Казахстане", by Karlygash Kabatova'14, Власть, 2022. 
9. "Почему порнография – это не пособие по сексу: объясняет эксперт", by Karlygash Kabatova'14, MANSHUQ, 2022. 
10. "Social Norms and Gender Roles: Sex Education in Kazakhstan", by Karlygash Kabatova'14, IERES, 2022. 

11. "Сетевой принцип в организации и информационно-вербовочной работе исламистских группировок [Network Principle in the Organization and Information-Recruitment Work of Islamist Groups]", by Nadezhda Tatkalo'19, Herald of KRSU 2022, Vol. 22, no. 11. P. 181-86; 2.

12. "Изменение конституции как способ политической коммуникации в Кыргызстане [Amendment of Constitution as a Way of Political Communication in Kyrgyzstan]", by Nadezhda Tatkalo'19, Herald of KRSU 2022, Vol. 22, no. 3. P. 177-82; 3.

13. "Rethinking the EU’s ‘prosperity’ agenda in Central Asia",  Nadezhda Tatkalo'19, EUCAM Commentary. July 18, 2022. 

14. "The impact of climate change on the dynamics of conflicts in the transboundary river basins of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan", by Sherzod Shamiev'19, International Alert (2022).

15. "Dare to change: Inspiring perspectives and key ideas for Helsinki 2025", by Sherzod Shamiev'19, Security and Human Rights Monitor, 2021.

16. "Towards the Achievement of Prioritised Sustainable Development Goals in OIC Countries 2022", by Davron Ishnazarov'14, A Progress Report by SESRIC.

17. "SWOT Outlook on OIC Member Countries 2020", by Davron Ishnazarov'14, Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC). 

18. "Statistical Evaluation of the Current Situation of OIC Countries Towards the Implementation of the “OIC STI Agenda 2026”", by Davron Ishnazarov'14, Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).

19. "Statistical Yearbook 2021", by Davron Ishnazarov'14, Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).

20. "OIC Statistical Outlook 2022: Remittance Flows and Costs in OIC Countries", by Davron Ishnazarov'14, Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC).

21. "Чем опасен контрафакт для рынка?", by Kodir Kuliev'14, newspaper "Даракчи плюс"; №15 (1283), April 14, 2022.
22. "A Critical Voice is Oxygen to Any Anti-Corruption Movement", by Kodir Kuliev'14, Dynamic Uzbekistan, March 2022.

23. "Этический вопрос: как коррупция связана с воспитанием [An ethical question: how does corruption relate to parenting]", by Kodir Kuliev'14,; 2018; Hook.Report in 2022.

24. "Кто виноват и что делать. Большой разговор о коррупции в Узбекистане [Who is to blame and what to do. Big talk about corruption in Uzbekistan]", by Kodir Kuliev'14,, April 20, 2022.

25. "Приведет ли сокращение министерств и госслужащих к уменьшению коррупции в Узбекистане. Мнение эксперта [Will the reduction of ministries and civil servants lead to reduced corruption in Uzbekistan? Expert Opinion]", by Kodir Kuliev'14,, December 28, 2022.
26. "Таниш-билиш", откаты и госзаказы родственникам. Эксперт о том, как Узбекистану избавиться от коррупции ["Таниш-билиш", kickbacks and state orders to relatives. Expert on how Uzbekistan can get rid of corruption]", by Kodir Kuliev'14,, April 19, 2022.
27. "В Узбекистане к коррупции относятся как к повсеместному и неискоренимому злу, которое не заслуживает серьезного осуждения [In Uzbekistan, corruption is perceived as a pervasive and ineradicable evil that does not deserve serious condemnation]", by Kodir Kuliev'14,, December 27, 2022.

28. "The OSCE ODIHR and Regional Organisations as Norm Entrepreneurs: The Case of Post-pandemic Kyrgyzstan", by Dzardanova Svetlana'09 and Anghelescu AM., In: Mihr, A., Sorbello, P., Weiffen, B. (eds) Securitization and Democracy in Eurasia. Springer, Cham., 2023.

29. "Cluster as a Mechanism of University Study Programs Adjustment to the Requirements of the Current Labour Market", by Elena Kostuchenko'23, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk, Belarus, October 12-14, 2022.

30. "Militias: a doubled-edged sword: the role and future of militias in the context of the Afghan peace process", by Rajab Taieb'19, The Institute of War and Peace Studies, June 2022.

31. "Policing in conflict: Women in the Afghan National Police", by Fatema Kashefi'14, Melissa Jardine, Kawsar Abulfazil, Oana Neagu, Gender Inclusive Policing, 2023.



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