On 29 April 2022, the OSCE Academy hosted the first Living Lab workshop on Traffic and Active Mobility, jointly co-implemented and co-funded by SPCE Hub and Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kyrgyzstan. Representatives of civil society, researchers, and academics took part in the event to discuss traffic, active mobility, and urban sustainable development.
Prof. Kubatbek Muktarbek, Kyrgyz State Technical University, made a presentation on the state of greening traffic in Bishkek; Prof. Jochen Eckart, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, presented successful examples of traffic living labs from around the world. Furthermore, participants discussed possible interventions that aim to address fundamental socio-ecological problems and elaborated steps needed to be taken by the municipality until the implementation of activities.
Living Labs are temporary, transformative spaces in which actors from government, civil society and science work together to test solutions for sustainability. The larger goal of Living Labs is to produce knowledge and solutions that other actors can subsequently apply and implement independently of the lab.