On 28 November 2022 the OSCE Academy Board of Trustees Meeting chaired by H.E. Ambassador Alexey Rogov, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, was held online. The Meeting was attended by the Representatives of the Polish OSCE Chairmanship, Austria, European Union, Germany, Finland, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, North Macedonia, Norway, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland the United States, as well as the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
Following the introductory remarks made by H.E. Ambassador Rogov, H.E. Ambassador Tuula Yrjölä, Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre and Piotr Tondys, Counsellor and Head of Unit for Regional Issues, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the OSCE, welcomed the participants of the Board, shared their excitement about Academy’s continued successful operation in the region and renewed commitment to further support the Academy's activities.
Director of the OSCE Academy Dr. Alexander Wolters presented the Academy’s programmatic activities implemented since the last Meeting of the Board members, which included educational programme updates, research and publication developments, professional trainings, new partnerships and cooperation growth. The Director emphasized the successful receipt of a state educational license and launch of a new BA Programme in Economics, fruitful accreditation of the MA in EGD programme for the next five years which was also rewarded with a special quality award, the resumption of the academic year with a preparatory offline Summer School 2022, the continued internships conducted by the MA students, the developments of a joint initiative with the Global Campus of Human Rights to establish a regional MA Programme in Human Rights and Sustainability at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek.
Presentation of the latest developments of the OSCE Academy’s activity was followed by the Academy’s financial reporting for 2022 together with audit results and sharing the projection for 2023. Finally, the Board of Trustees heard a presentation on a Concept Note for the development of the Research and Study Center on Afghanistan Affairs and on proposals for the composition of the Academy’s Academic Advisory Board. Thus, the meeting was completed successfully with all agenda items approved accordingly.