On 8 December 2022, Dr. Bedelbai Mamadiev, Senior Lecturer at the OSCE Academy, participated in the conference "Scientific and technical cooperation as the basis for the development of the EAEU in the face of new economic challenges: trends and development prospects” which took place at the Kyrgyz Economic University.
Welcome speeches were delivered by First Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic Adylbek Kasymaliev, Chairman of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission Mikhail Myasnikovich and Minister of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Ulanbek Mambetakunov.
It was emphasized that investing in human capital, research and development, and technology gave good results for many countries. That’s why, economies have to focus on innovative processes, scientific knowledge, new technologies, products and services, and make them the basis of the model of economic growth and competitiveness. As a mechanism in this regard was offered formation of a single innovation system or innovation ecosystem of the Union, which is a set of institutions involved in the production and transformation of scientific knowledge into new types of competitive products and services on the basis of associations of innovation centers of the Union member countries.
Within the framework of the conference, 2 thematic sessions were held: "Main directions and priorities of scientific and technical cooperation in the Eurasian Economic Union" and "Network forms of interaction in education: Eurasian Network University".
The main issues at the first session were: implementation of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025 in the field of scientific and technical cooperation between the EAEU Member States; determination of key priorities and outlining a long-term forecast of scientific and technological development of the Union; analysis of a list of projects-symbols of Eurasian integration and preparation of a “framework” program of scientific and technological development; working out mechanisms for the implementation of joint high-tech projects of the EAEU member states.
The main issues at the second session were: prospects of the formation of a single educational space based on the law of the EAEU; discussion of the activities of the Eurasian Network University; needs to develop educational online programs; development of distance education.
The speakers of the sessions were representatives of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, rectors of Kyrgyz and Russian universities, directors of institutes, foundations and experts from international programs.
During the conference, Sergei Glazyev, Member of the Board (Minister) of Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, presented his book “Eurasian Economic Integration. Theory and practice". The book is the first and only textbook of its kind that describes in detail the integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union. The book includes the results of many years of activity of the participating states in the formation and continuous improvement of the supporting structures of the Customs Union, the Common Economic Space and, the EAEU.
In addition, Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of the EEC Board, was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of the Research University Kyrgyz Economic University named after Musa Ryskulbekov.