On 22 December 2022, Dr. Indira Satarkulova, Acting Director of the OSCE Academy, visited the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to meet with H.E. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Kyrgyz Republic Zhoshybaev Rapil Seitkhanovich. Ambassador Zhoshybaev R.S. and Dr. Satarkulova I.S. discussed the Academy's current activities, its achievements and plans for the near future. Dr. Satarkulova expressed her appreciation for the continuous support of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a member of the OSCE Academy Board of Trustees. In his turn, Ambassador Zhoshybaev praised the work of the Academy and indicated his full endorsement of its educational and research projects and further development. H.E. Ambassador Zhoshybaev R.S. also voiced his interest in meeting students from the OSCE Academy to exchange experience working in the international diplomatic environment.