On 6 June 2023, OSCE Secretary General H.E. Helga Maria Schmid, accompanied by Ambassador Alexey Rogov, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, Ms. Catherine Fearon, OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre Deputy Director, and Ms. Juliane Ziegler, Executive Officer of the Office of Secretary General, visited the OSCE Academy as part of an official trip to Kyrgyzstan. The OSCE Secretary General met the current students, graduates, and staff members of the Academy.
Dr. Indira Satarkulova, the OSCE Academy Acting Director, welcomed the distinguished guests and gave them a tour around the premises. Following the tour, H.E. Helga Maria Schmid held a meeting with currently enrolled BA and MA students from the wider Central Asian region, as well as graduates from Afghanistan. The session with the students was organized as roundtable discussions, and the participants were divided into several groups, providing every student with an opportunity to ask questions and share their personal stories. The Secretary General underlined the importance of the education and the role of the OSCE Academy, stating that "The OSCE Academy is an OSCE flagship project and a unique educational institution," as well as emphasized that she is proud of the Academy, its students and alumni network.
Students and graduates actively used the opportunity and shared their experiences with the Secretary General as well as asked questions on the current regional developments. This meeting left the students inspired and motivated to proceed with their studies to earn the degrees and continue developing professionally.