On 16 October 2023 representatives of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek paid an official and first visit to Ulaanbaatar to establish contacts and academic partnerships with Mongolian higher education and research institutions aimed to develop future cooperation. One of the key high-level meetings was with H. E. Mr. Enkh-Amgalan Luvsantseren, Minister of Education and Science of Mongolia. Dr. Indira Satarkulova, Acting Director of the OSCE Academy, met the Minister Luvsantseren and presented the OSCE Academy, its brief history, current activities and planned programmatic developments. In turn H. E. Mr. Enkh-Amgalan Luvsantseren presented the plans for reforms in the education sector of Mongolia and emphasized the established collaboration between Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia that would allow the experience sharing as well students’ exchange. The visit has been organized with the support of the Permanent Mission of Mongolia to the OSCE in Vienna, the Mongolian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek.