On 2 November, the visiting lecturer Mr. Dieter von Blarer moderated the round table entitled, “Does State Performance in Human Rights and Governance Influence National and Regional Security in Central Asia” as part of the module on “Human Rights and International Law.” Ms. Chinara Esengul (Regional Adviser on Central Asia at PeaceNexus) and Mr. Sheradil Baktygulov (independent consultant to the Kyrgyz government) answered student’s questions pertaining to the affect that state official’s respect for human rights and the rule of law has on regional and national security, as well as the impact of corruption and the lack of good governance on national and regional security. The round table was also attended by Mr. Faridun Khodizoda, Director of the Academy of Dialogue in Tajikistan, and Mr Peter Cross, Programme Manager for the Government Sector at PeaceNexus--who greatly contributed to the discussion on the topic.