On 11 September Academy’s Associate Research Fellow Mr. Yazid Suleimani delivered a Public Lecture on “Belts and Roads Initiative Policy Framework I: Entrepreneurship.” In the first part of the lecture, he gave an overview of the Belt and Roads Initiative (BRI), analyzed the BRI investments and the projects in Central Asia and presented some criticism towards the Initiative. Furthermore, Mr. Suleimani talked about the conceptual framework of entrepreneurship and determined the relationship between the entrepreneurship and policy. Particularly, he overviewed the main policy gaps and the framework for implementing BRI projects.
The lecture was followed by discussion and Q&A session, where Mr. Suleimani and participants from Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, China, Russia, and Romania had a chance to analyse the BRI projects within the framework of the political environment of their countries and to give an objective assessment to the fulfilment of the Initiative.
The video recording of the full lecture is available on our YouTube channel at: youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=K-658nM8PZY