From 4 to 8 November a new training was held at the Academy - Seminar on analytical writing in the Kyrgyz language. This training is designed for journalists, bloggers, young researchers and activists to help develop their analytical writing and communication skills in the Kyrgyz language. Agenda of the seminar included lectures, group discussions, peer editing sessions, presentations and round table. During this week participants acquired knowledge and skills on analytical writing, organizing its structure and language, learnt research methods and techniques, as well as obtained decent expertise on migration and migration in Central Asia. Following the theoretical part, participants will write their papers on topics related to Migration, Agriculture and Changes in rural areas from 11 to 24 November. Therefore, they will present their work at the round table within the framework of AGRUMIG (“Leaving something behind” – Migration governance and agricultural and rural change in “home” communities) project of the Academy that will bring together representatives of the Government and NGOs from Bishkek on 25 and 26 November. Furthermore, the most successful papers will be published in Academy’s Central Asia Policy Briefs Series.