
International Workshop for Young Academics on Human Rights in Central Asia

6 October, 2021

From 4-6 October the OSCE Academy hosted International Workshop for Young Academics and Scholars on “Human Rights in Central Asia: Troubled Nexuses between Internationalization, State Building and Civil Society” within the joint project with the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast Studies (IOS) in Regensburg, Germany, organized by  Prof. Dr. Anja Mihr DAAD Associate Professor at the OSCE Academy and Dr. Cindy Wittke from IOS and funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

6 young researchers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan discussed research gaps and challenges in international law, social science research and humanities to increase human rights education efforts and practice, as well as in improving rights awareness and visibility in both politics and society.

During 2-day workshop included 2 open online lectures:

"Human Rights in the Post Soviet Central Asia: Successes, Challenges and Lessons"  by Prof. Sergey Sayapin, (LL.B., LL.M., Dr. iur., PhD), Associate Professor and Associate Dean at the School of Law, KIMEP (Kazakhstan)

"How Human Rights Education can Contribute to Empowerment, Responsive and Accountable Governance, and Social Cohesion?" by Prof. Dr. Beate Rudolf, Director, German Institute for Human Rights, Berlin, Independent National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) (A-status), Germany.

This international workshop aimed at developing a better understanding of the tensions between internationalization and State building in the politics of human rights in Central Asia (e.g. the implementation of international human rights standards and how struggles with reforms impact nation states in this region).


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