
Dr. Anja Mihr (PhD from Freie University of Berlin) is a political scientists and DAAD long term Associate Professor (LZD)  at the OSCE Academy. The DAAD and its programmes are largely financed through public funding bodies, including  Federal Foreign Office,  Federal Ministry of Education and Research,  Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Union.

She joint the faculty in September 2018. Anja teaches International Human Rights Law, International Relations, Cyber Justice, Climate Justice, Democracy and Institutional Theories as well as Transitional Justice.

Selected Book Publications

Anja Mihr: Regime Consolidation and Transitional Justice, Comparative Case Studies of Germany, Spain and Turkey, Cambridge University Press, 2018.

Anja Mihr: Cyber Justice, Human Rights and Good Governance for the Internet, Springer Briefs, Springer Verlag, 2017

Manou, Cubie, Baldwin, Mihr, Torp (eds.) Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights, Law and Policy Perspectives, Routledge Studies in Environmental Migration, Displacement and Resettlement, Routledge, Francis & Taylor, 2017

Anja Mihr, Mark Gibney (eds.) Hanbook of Human Rights, 2 Vol. SAGE Publication, London et al, 2014

Michael Goodhart, Anja Mihr (eds) Human Rights in the 21st Century; Continuity and Change since 9/11, Palgrave Macmillian, 2011

Latest Articles

Non-Governmental Organization and Human Rights, in: Kellow/Murphy-Gregory (eds.) Research Handbook on Non-Governmental Organizations, Edward-Elgar Publisher, 2018, pp.196-216

Human Rights Non-governmental organizations in conflict transformation, in: Fuentes/ Drumond (eds.) Human Rights and Conflict Resolution: Bridging the Theoretical and Practical Divide, Routledge Global Institution Series, 2017, pp.140-159.

From guilty generation to expert generation? Personal reflections on second post-war generation West German atonement, in:  Gabowitsch, Mischa (ed.), Replicating Atonement Foreign Models in the Commemoration of Atrocities. Memory Studies Series, Palgrave Macmillian & Springer Link, 2017, 305-323.

Rule of Law, Security, and Transitional Justice in Fragile and Conflict-affected Societies (co-author C.L.Sriram), in: Durch/Larik/Ponzio (eds.) Just Security in an Undergoverned World,  Oxford University Press, 2017, pp.118-137.

Semi-structured interviews with non-state and security actors, in: Kruck/ Schneider (eds.) Researching Non-State Actors in International Security: Theory and Practice, Routledge Publisher, Taylor & Francis Group, 2017, pp.65-80.

Regime Consolidation through Transitional Justice in Europe, in: International Journal of Transitional Justice, Special Issue, “Beyond Borders: Regional Dimensions and Dynamics of Transitional Justice” Oxford University Press Journals, 2017, pp. 113-131.

Climate Justice, Migration and Human Rights, in Manou et al (ed.) Climate Change and Migration, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group ,2017, pp.45-67.

Introduction to Transitional Justice, in Simic, Oliviera (ed.) An Introduction to Transitional Justice, Textbook, Routledge Publisher, Abington, 2017,  pp.1-28.