On 26 April 2023, Dr. Indira Satarkulova, Acting Director of the OSCE Academy, and Dr. Saso A. Vrboski, President and Project Funding Coordinator, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
26 April, 2023
On 24 April 2023, the book "Climate Change in Central Asia – Decarbonization, Energy Transition and Climate Policy," published as part of SpringerBriefs in Political Science book series (BRIEFSPOLITICAL), had its open-access launch event at the OSCE Academy. The book features 12 chapters authored by a range of experts who delve into the impacts, adaptation, and mitigation of climate change in the Central Asian region.
25 April, 2023
On 24 April 2023, the OSCE Academy was honored to welcome the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Finland to the OSCE, H.E. Vesa Häkkinen.
25 April, 2023
From 17 till 19 April 2023, the OSCE Academy and the Global Campus for Human Rights Delegations had meetings with the potential partners in Tashkent to discuss the possibilities to collaborate within the newly launched MA Programme in Human Rights and Sustainability (MAHRS).
24 April, 2023
Our newest graduate, Alexandra Taskaeva, Politics and Security ‘2021, talks about how, after graduating from the Academy, she continued to work in leading organizations around the world and worked her way up to job in Kuwait she is passionate about:
24 April, 2023
On 16 April 2023, more than 30 alumni gathered at the Chapter meeting in Tashkent. The meeting was combined with the official Opening of the Spring School on Human Rights and Good Governance for Security in Central Asia, which takes place in Tashkent from 16-21 April.
18 April, 2023
On 16 April 2023, the five-day International Spring School on “Human Rights & Good Governance for Security in Central Asia,” organized by the OSCE Academy in Bishkek in co-operation with the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek and the Global Campus of Human Rights in Venice with the support of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan, was launched in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
17 April, 2023
Our alumna from North Macedonia, Ivana Vuchkova, Economic Governance and Development ‘2016, who has immense experience working in international developmental organizations, speaks about the importance of the OSCE Academy and the OSCE as a whole:
12 April, 2023
On 11 April 2023, the OSCE Academy in Bishkek organized a roundtable on "Climate Policy in Central Asia and Research Potential" as part of the Jean Monnet Module - European Climate Policy project.
11 April, 2023
On 3 April 2023, the OSCE Academy was honored to welcome H.E. Lesslie Viguerie, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the U.S. to the Kyrgyz Republic, accompanied by Mr. Garrett Greenlee, Political Officer.
4 April, 2023