From 23 November till 3 December the OSCE Academy conducted Project Management training, led by Mr. Ivars Rungis, Chairman of the Board in Latvian National Project Management Association (LNPMA) and a Trainer with more than 20 years of experience in the field. This was an intensive 10-day online training for participants who plan to develop their careers within International Organizations, International Non-Governmental Organizations, etc., and need to improve their theoretical knowledge of Project Management.
3 December, 2020
Between 23 and 27 November students of the MA Programme in Politics and Security get familiar with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in its evolution and current shape within the special Module taught by Dr. Pal Dunay, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies.
26 November, 2020
On 18-20 November, the OSCE Academy in Bishkek (OSCE AiB) held its biennial Alumni Conference themed ‘The COVID-19 Crisis and its Impact on Post-Soviet Central Asia’. This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was conducted in a virtual format and was merged with the joint expert project of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS).
20 November, 2020
We had a privilege to host a Public Lecture themed "Increase Your Income and Profits – Through Non-Corruption" by Dr. Maximilian Burger-Scheidlin, Executive Director of ICC Austria - International Chamber of Commerce, and Kodir Kuliev, an alumnus of the Academy’s MA Programme in Economic Governance and Development and currently an Adjunct Professor of International Studies & Ethics at Webster University in Tashkent.
17 November, 2020
On 13 November the OSCE Academy, with the support of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, hosted the OSCE’s “Debating Perspectives 2030 Roadshow” first event in Central Asia. The event brought together 38 young women and men from the region, including the alumni of the OSCE Academy, to discuss their ideas and visions for a safer future.
13 November, 2020
From 3 till 12 November the OSCE Academy held a special module on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) for the new cohort of students in the MA Programme in Economic Governance and Development. The module aimed to widen and deepen the students’ understanding of the key goals, principles and values of the OSCE. Dr. Diana Digol, Deputy Head of the Programme Office in Nur Sultan, was coordinating the module, with valuable contributions made by representatives from the OSCE executive structures.
4 November, 2020
Every year the OSCE Academy Alumni Network selects one graduate to receive the title of the Alumna/us of the Year. The Award honours the Academy’s most outstanding alumni. We wholeheartedly congratulate Mingul for receiving more votes and getting the award this year and wish her more successful endeavours in the future! We are publishing her story here.
28 October, 2020
On 25 October OSCE Academy in Bishkek held a virtual networking event called "Plov Cook-off", initiated by two of our alumni Rashid Gabdulhakov and Farkhod Aminjonov. Thirteen alumni from all over the world gathered together on a Sunday evening and had productive and joyful two hours full of laughs, heart-warming moments and cultural, and political debates.
25 October, 2020
On 16-17 October the OSCE Academy and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation co-organized Interdisciplinary Conference on “Value Transformation in Central Asia.” Distinguished Speakers and Participants were welcomed by Dr. Alexander Wolters, Director of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, Alexander Rosenplaenter, Director of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Kyrgyzstan, and Johanna Lutz, Head of the FES Office of Democracy, Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Austria.
18 October, 2020
On 29 September Dr. Anja Mihr, DAAD Associate Professor at the OSCE Academy, delivered a guest lecture on "Regime Change and Transnational Justice in Europe after 1945 and 1989" to students of the “Introduction to European Studies” course of the Department of Germanic Studies, researchers, and interested scholars and practitioners of the University of Texas.
30 September, 2020