From 21 till 26 September the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR CA) in partnership with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek held its third School for Young Analytics Due to COVID-19 pandemic the School was held online. This School is conducted with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a part of the project “Giving Voice, Driving Change – From the Borderland to the Steppes”, jointly implemented by IWPR and the OSCE Academy since 2018.
27 September, 2020
On 15 September 2020 the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the State of Israel to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Liat Wexelman, paid an introductory visit to the OSCE Academy. Ambassador Wexelman met Director Alexander Wolters and learned about the Academy’s activities and programmes and shortly presented the activities organized by the Israeli Embassy jointly with the OSCE mission in Kazakhstan.
16 September, 2020
On 26 August the Associate Research Fellow of the OSCE Academy, Dr. Ana Belen Perianes, presented the Global Peace Index 2020 and Case Study of the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in Its 20 Anniversary. The GPI ranks 163 independent states and territories according to their level of peacefulness and presents comprehensive data-driven analysis to-date on trends in peace, its economic value, and how to develop peaceful societies.
26 August, 2020
On 17 August, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) launched their week-long Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy. This third edition of the summer school was organized in collaboration with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, and the Research Centre for the Study of Parties and Democracy - REPRESENT - of the University of Nottingham.
17 August, 2020
From 3 till 28 August 2020 the OSCE Academy conducted its Preparatory Summer School for newly enrolled MA students. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, this school was held in the online format. The participants were 52 students from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and the USA.
6 August, 2020
One of the founders of a fundraising campaign to provide oxygen generators to remote areas of Tajikistan, Sabrinisso Valdosh, who is an alumna of the Economic Governance and Development Programme of 2017, makes an important change in her community. She shares a powerful story of how community engagement projects can be of vital significance during the challenging times Tajikistan is experiencing at the moment.
4 August, 2020
We are publishing a brief story of Muhammad Idrees, a graduate of the OSCE Academy of 2015, Economic Governance and Development Programme, who is a freelance writer and researcher focusing on the social, cultural, political and economic issues of Central Asia and Afghanistan. Muhammad is the author of a book ‘In the Land of the Tian Shan Mountains.’
29 July, 2020
On 24 July the OSCE Academy had its third alumni interactive workshop on Digital Tools and Challenges Amid the Global Pandemic led by the OSCE AiB alumnus of 2013, Politics and Security Programme, Mr. Rashid Gabdulhakov. The workshop aimed to broaden theoretical perspectives and practical approaches of participants while empowering and encouraging them to generate new strategic knowledge on the subject matter.
26 July, 2020
On 22 July Director Dr. Alexander Wolters delivered a presentation to the Board of Trustees (BoT) at the biannual meeting that was held in the online format due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The meeting was opened by Ambassador Dr. Pierre von Arx, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, who presided over the meeting in his capacity of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. Representatives of the Albanian Chairmanship, Austria, the European Union, Finland, Kyrgyzstan, Norway, Slovakia, Switzerland, the United States, as well the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and the OSCE Secretariat participated in the meeting.
22 July, 2020
On 21 July Dr. Rahat Sabyrbekov, OSCE Academy Postdoc Fellow, participated in online dialogue on "Eco-Friendly Cities and Economic Solutions of the Academic Community to Achieve this Goal," as part of the 75 Minutes of Dialogue series organized by the United Nations Academic Impact to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations (UN75).
21 July, 2020