
  • International Engagement of the Academy Faculty Member

    In November-December 2019 Dr. Anja Mihr, DAAD visiting professor at the OSCE Academy participated in a number of international academic events and taught several courses in different countries.

    2 December, 2019

  • Round table on “Dialogue on Migration” was held at the Academy

    On 26 November, the OSCE Academy conducted a round table titled “Dialogue on Migration” as part of the Seminar on analytical writing in Kyrgyz language, which was held from 4 to 8 November at the OSCE Academy. Participants of the training presented their papers on topics related to Migration, Agriculture and Changes in rural areas. Mr. Akylbek Tashbulatov, Director of the Centre for Support of International Protection, Mr. Nurlan Sagynaliev, Head of Migration Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and Ms. Gulkayir Apasova, Head of the Department of Gender Issues, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, attended the event and discussed current situation on migration in the country, as well as gave their points of view on the papers of the training participants.

    28 November, 2019

  • Students of the IUCA visits the Academy

    On 26 November, students of the International University of Central Asia (IUCA) visited the OSCE Academy and listened to presentation by Ms. Kalbiu Argynova, Librarian/Archivist on how to work with online library catalog and use the electronic databases. Furthermore, the students had a chance to take a quick tour around the Academy and to learn more about its MA Programmes.

    26 November, 2019

  • Finnish Ambassador visits the OSCE Academy

    On 25 November, H.E. Mr. Mikko Kivikoski, Ambassador of Finland to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, visited the OSCE Academy. Dr. Alexander Wolters, Director of the Academy, and Ms. Indira Satarkulova, Deputy Director of the Academy, welcomed the Ambassador and presented recent updates and latest developments of the institute.

    26 November, 2019

  • Central Asian Youth tries to resolve Crisis during the Model OSCE

    On 23 November the OSCE Academy hosted the Model OSCE, organized jointly with the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek. This event was held within the framework of the 20th Anniversary of the OSCE presence in Kyrgyzstan and allowed BA and MA students from Central Asia to step into the shoes of diplomats and try to resolve the crisis by reaching a consensus.

    26 November, 2019

  • International Certificate Training Programme in Conflict Sensitive Development was held at the Academy

    From 13 to 19 November the OSCE Academy conducted its annual International Certificate Training Programme in Conflict Sensitive Development. This training is designed for junior and mid-level professionals from civil society, NGOs, international development agencies, and governmental organizations from Central Asia, Afghanistan, Mongolia, and the OSCE region and government.

    20 November, 2019

  • OSCE Academy welcomes guests from Japan

    On 15 November Prof. Yoko Hirose from the Keio University, Japan, accompanied by Mr. Naoki Nihei, International Development Expert UNDP in Kyrgyzstan, visited the OSCE Academy and met Dr. Alexander Wolters, Director of the Academy, and Mr. Yazid Suleimani, Associate Research Fellow at the Academy. During the meeting, Prof. Hirose learned about the Academy, its programmes, as well as research activities and publications.

    15 November, 2019

  • MA Students visited the EU Delegation to Kyrgyzstan

    On 14 November students of the MA Programme in Politics and Security met Ambassador Eduard Auer, Head of the EU Delegation to Kyrgyzstan, at the Delegation’s office in Bishkek. During the meeting, Ambassador Auer made a presentation on “European Policy in Central Asia” and discussed the cooperation between the EU and Central Asia, its framework and the EU strategy in Central Asian states.

    14 November, 2019

  • Academy's Professor visits the International Forum of 'China's 70-years Development and the Building of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind'

    By Invitation of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and on behalf of the OSCE Academy, Professor Anja Mihr participated in the International Forum of 'China's 70-years Development and the Building of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind' from 5-7 November 2019 in Shanghai, China. The Forum was dedicated to Chinas endeavors in the Belt-and-Road-Initiative(BRI) since 2013.

    11 November, 2019

  • Workshop on 'China’s Belt & Road Initiative: Cross Regional Perspective' was held at the OSCE Academy

    On 8 November the OSCE Academy conducted a workshop on 'China’s Belt & Road Initiative: Cross Regional Perspective'. Workshop was divided into three sessions: the first two sessions were organized in a classical panel form with each featuring three to four presenters, whereas the last attempted to engage into an open discussion of current trends and challenges in studying China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI).

    9 November, 2019