
  • DAAD – Research Symposium “Bioeconomy & Security”

    On 15 April the OSCE Academy hosted the second day of the DAAD – Research Symposium “Bioeconomy & Security,” organized by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in cooperation with the OSCE Academy, University of Bremen and Fresenuis University.

    16 April, 2019

  • First Meeting of AGRUMIG Partners in Kyrgyzstan

    On 11 April partners within the Horizon 2020 project “AGRUMIG” from Kyrgyzstan held their first meeting to discuss the plan of action within the project.

    12 April, 2019

  • OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Miroslav Lajčák visits the OSCE Academy

    On 9 April the OSCE Academy was honored to welcome OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Miroslav Lajčák, who visited the Academy within his official visit to Kyrgyzstan. The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office was accompanied by the Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre, Ambassador Marcel Peṧko, Head of the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek, Ambassador Pierre von Arx, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan and to the Kyrgyz Republic, Milan Kollar.

    10 April, 2019

  • Official Statement

    In response to allegations of corruption and discrimination made by a former student earlier this year, the OSCE Academy states the following: At the request of the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the OSCE Academy in Bishkek, an audit of the OSCE Academy was carried out. A team of auditors from the Office of Internal Oversight (OIO) reviewed the procedures of selection, expulsion, academic processes, as well as the finances and internal controls. The audit did not lead to identifying any indications of corruption or discrimination at the OSCE Academy. Audited financial transactions were found to be traceable, supported by adequate documentation, to correspond to legitimate expenses, and to have been subject to an appropriate level of approval. The decisions taken by the OSCE Academy selection committee are adequately documented, as are the students’ exams and files. Due consideration was given by the OSCE Academy towards balancing national and gender representation, to the extent possible, as part of the admission process. The expulsion processes occasionally initiated by the Academy were based on grounds compliant with the principles set in the Charter, including in the case of the former student.

    5 April, 2019

  • Finnish Delegation Visits the OSCE Academy

    On 27 March the OSCE Academy welcomed representatives of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an introductory visit. Ms. Päivi Peltokovski, Director of the Unit for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Ms. Päivi Karhio-Szilvay, Counsellor, Team Leader for Central Asia, and Ms. Kaisa Standish, First Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission in Astana, met with the Director Dr. Alexander Wolters...

    28 March, 2019

  • University of St Andrews Delegation’s 8th visit to the OSCE Academy in Bishkek

    From 19 till 24 of March a group of Masters students of the University of St. Andrews, studying the Central Asian region, visited the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. They were accompanied by Professor Rick Fawn, Director of the Institute of Middle East, Central Asia and Caucasus Studies (MECACS) and Dr. Matteo Fumagalli, Senior Lecturer, School of International Relations of the University of St Andrews.

    26 March, 2019

  • Norwegian Diplomats Visit the OSCE Academy

    On 15 March the OSCE Academy was honored to welcome a delegation of Norwegian Diplomats, who visited the OSCE Academy to meet the students of the Masters’ Programmes and to discuss with them the relation and cooperation of Norway with the OSCE.

    18 March, 2019

  • OSCE Academy signs Memorandum of Cooperation with German-Kazakh University

    On 14 March the OSCE Academy and the German-Kazakh University in Almaty exchanged the original documents of the Memorandum of Cooperation and the Agreement of Cooperation in the Field of Academic Internships signed on 7 February 2019. The signed documents aim at promoting support to educational and professional initiatives.

    18 March, 2019

  • Students Learn How to Succeed in Policy Applied Research Writing

    On 13 March students of the OSCE Academy had a chance to meet Dr. Marcin Walecki, Head of the Democratization Department, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and Prof. Ghia Nodia, Chairman of the Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (CIPDD), and to discuss 'Policy-applied research on human rights and democracy from an IGO perspective.'

    14 March, 2019

  • Associate Research Fellow Tamás Kozma delivered Public Lecture “Turkmen Natural Gas in the European Energy Security Discourse”

    On 11 March the OSCE Academy's Associate Research Fellow Tamás Kozma delivered a public lecture on "Turkmen Natural Gas in the European Energy Security Discourse: Perceptions, Outlooks, Realities." Throughout the lecture Mr. Kozma offered a reality check on the future possibilities of EU-Turkmen gas relations and shed light on the possible policy options aiming at bringing the mutual interest in export and import diversification into fruition.

    12 March, 2019