
  • Experts Discuss System Transformation in Central Asia

    On 20-21 September the OSCE Academy in partnership with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Kyrgyzstan organized a conference on “System Transformation in Central Asia in Comparative Perspective.” This conference was initiated by Prof. Dr. Anja Mihr, DAAD Visiting Professor at the OSCE Academy, in order to enhance the exchange between local and international scholars, policymakers and representatives from civil society and to stimulate their discussion about the challenges of the gradual ...

    24 September, 2019

  • Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway visits the OSCE Academy

    On 13 September the OSCE Academy was honored to welcome Ambassador Knut Vollebæk, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway and currently the Commissioner of the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP). Among the numerous high-level positions held by Ambassador Vollebæk are his OSCE Chairmanship in 1999, his duties as OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) from 2007-2013, Chairperson of the UN Advisory Board on Human Security, and numerous high-ranking diplomatic positions.

    16 September, 2019

  • International Certificate Training Seminar in Human Rights in an International Context

    From 9 to 13 September the OSCE Academy conducted its International Certificate Training Seminar in Human Rights in an International Context, led by Prof. Dr. Anja Mihr, DAAD Visiting Professor at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek. This training was designed for scholars and practitioners, aiming to broaden their understanding of international human rights norms, treaties, debates, politics and governments’ and civil society’s response to them.

    13 September, 2019

  • Public Lecture by Academy’s Associate Research Fellow Mr. Yazid Suleimani

    On 11 September Academy’s Associate Research Fellow Mr. Yazid Suleimani delivered a Public Lecture on “Belts and Roads Initiative Policy Framework I: Entrepreneurship.” In the first part of the lecture, he described the Belt and Roads Initiative and analyzed the BRI investment, as well as the projects in Central Asia and some of the criticism toward the Initiative. Furthermore, Mr. Suleimani talked about the conceptual framework of entrepreneurship and determined the relationship between the entrepreneurship and policy. Particular, he overviewed the main policy gaps and framework in implementing BRI projects.

    13 September, 2019

  • 4th Alumni Reunion Brings Together over 100 Graduates of the Academy and Builds Invaluable Links between the Generations

    On 7-8 September 2019, the OSCE Academy in Bishkek welcomed over 100 alumni of its MA Programmes from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as from the countries across the region, including Afghanistan, Russia, Macedonia and Georgia, for the 4th Alumni Reunion.

    9 September, 2019

  • Summer School Students receive their Certificates

    On 30 August the OSCE Academy held the graduation ceremony for the students of its 2nd preparatory Summer School Programme. Dr. Alexander Wolters, Director of the Academy, awarded certificates to 81 students from Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and congratulated them on the successful completion of the Summer School programme.

    2 September, 2019

  • Youth of Tajikistan learns about Gender Equality

    From 12 to 17 August the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe in cooperation with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek organized a week-long Summer School on "Youth for Gender Equality," held at the OSCE Academy. This School gathered 20 young people from Tajikistan, who are interested in gender issues. During this week, Dr. Anara Niyazova, gender expert from Kyrgyzstan delivered the courses on international normative frameworks adopted by Tajikistan on protecting and advancing women's rights. Participants also had a chance to improve their skills in gender analysis and gender budgeting.

    16 August, 2019

  • OSCE Academy starts its Summer School Programme

    On 5 August the OSCE Academy started its preparatory Summer School Programme for students from Central Asia, Afghanistan and Mongolia. At the official opening, Ms. Indira Satarkulova, the Deputy Director of the OSCE Academy, welcomed new coming students and congratulated them on their admission. She introduced the Academy’s MA Programmes, highlighting that those Programmes and other activities of the Academy are possible due to continuous and generous support of the donors and partners and the commitment of teaching and administrative staff. In conclusion, Ms. Satarkulova wished students to enjoy the studies and successfully complete this School.

    5 August, 2019

  • OSCE Academy establishes Cooperation with the Ministry of Economy of the KR

    On 23 July, the OSCE Academy signed an Agreement with the Ministry of Economy of the Kyrgyz Republic for the establishment of internships for graduates under the Junior Public Officers (JPO) Programme. The Agreement was signed by Mr. Aidin Sharsheev, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, and Dr. Alexander Wolters, Director of the OSCE Academy.

    23 July, 2019

  • Regional Training on Writing of the Technical and Economic Feasibility Studies for Projects

    From 15 to 19 July the OSCE Academy conducted regional training on writing feasibility studies for investment projects within the framework of state development policies (industrial development, export promotion and infrastructure development) for 22 junior and middle-level staff from the analytical departments of institutes, ministries and departments of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

    22 July, 2019