
  • New Students started their Path towards the MA Degree

    On 4 September our new students begun their MA studies with the first week of the Winter semester.

    11 September, 2018

  • Renewal of the Academy Building and Yard

    In August reconstruction works are taking place inside the OSCE Academy building and in the yard outside. With financial and logistic support from the OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek the Academy started the renovation of its electricity grid and the installation of its air conditioning inside the building as well as the repair of the pipe and sprinkling system in the yard.

    24 August, 2018

  • Academy starts its First Preparatory Summer School Programme

    On 13 August the OSCE Academy launched its three-week pilot preparatory Summer School Programme for students from Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. In addition to newly accepted Master students to the Politics & Security and Economic Governance & Development Programmes, the School is also attended by interested young graduates in related disciplines. These were selected via a special call for applications that generated more than 450 applications. Overall the summer school will host 80 participants.

    14 August, 2018

  • Workshop on New Security Challenges in Central Asia

    A three-day workshop “New Security Challenges in Central Asia” took place at the OSCE Academy from July 31 to August 2. The workshop was organized by the Near East South Asia (NESA) Center for Strategic Studies and the OSCE Academy within the framework of their long-time partnership and as a part of NESA’s annual Central Asia Working Group meeting.

    3 August, 2018

  • Post-Graduate Students improve their Research Skills

    A new week-long masterclass: Interviews as Method in the Social Sciences and Humanities was completed at the Academy on 13 July. The workshop was designed to strengthen the research skills of 10 post-graduate students of the social sciences and humanities, specifically training them in conducting, analysing and interpreting interviews.

    18 July, 2018

  • Policy Brief Writing Workshop

    From 9 till 15 July a Policy Brief Writing Workshop took place at the OSCE Academy. This seven-day summer school was organized by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR CA) and the OSCE Academy in Bishkek with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This school forms part of the project “Giving Voice, Driving Change – From the Borderland to the Steppes”, jointly implemented by IWPR and the OSCE Academy over the next three years. The project is implemented following the Memorandum of Cooperation and Collaboration between the two institutions signed on 22 February 2018.

    17 July, 2018

  • Summer School “Post-Soviet Governance: Theories, Actors, Cases”

    From 12 till 22 July the International Summer School “Post-Soviet Governance: Theories, Actors, Cases” organised by the Institute for European Studies (IFES) of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt Oder (EUV) in cooperation with the OSCE Academy in Bishkek is held in Issyk-kul, Kyrgyzstan. This school is financed by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    16 July, 2018

  • Ambassador of the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan in Vienna visited the OSCE Academy

    On 13 July the Head of the Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International and Regional Organizations in Vienna H.E. Ambassador Khojesta Fana Ebrahimkhel paid a visit to the OSCE Academy, within the framework of her official visit to Kyrgyzstan.

    13 July, 2018

  • OSCE Academy extends its Partnership Network

    On 28 June the OSCE Academy and Riga Graduate School of Law signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. Within this new partnership both sides aim to develop long-term institutional ties that allow for student exchange using Erasmus+ funding opportunities and to engage into establishing contacts between faculty as well as into mutual educational capacity support.

    29 June, 2018

  • Summer School on Investigative and Analytical Journalism

    From 17 till 28 June a ten-day intensive summer school on Investigative and Analytical Journalism took place at the OSCE Academy. Organized by the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) in Central Asia jointly with the OSCE Academy, and supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this school forms part of the project “Giving Voice, Driving Change – From the Borderland to the Steppes”, jointly implemented by IWPR and the OSCE Academy within the course of the next three years.

    27 June, 2018